We went canoeing on the Shenandoah River this weekend with Mark, Elaine, Lynette, and Dave, and Aster the greyhound. We saw minks in three different places, a family of four young otters and their mom, and several green, night, and great blue herons. There was a bald eagle that flew past our campsite repeatedly, and a beaver that swam by a couple times. A little further down the river we saw two juvenile bald eagles. Pretty amazing for a river that sees a lot of traffic from drunk college students in innertubes.
Lynette and Dave went birding early one morning and stumbled upon an archaeological dig down a path and across a cow pasture from our campsite. We spent a few hours helping dig, and Mark found a point! At the end of the day we were issued our
Passports in Time.
However, our camera batteries ran out a few hours into the trip, so you'll have to take our word for it.