Friday, July 21, 2006

Jug Bay

We tried to go to Jug Bay and see all the butterflies we saw last year but it seems we were a little early -- the Joe Pye Weed hadn't quite opened up yet. However we saw a clearwing hummingbird moth:

And this nice buckeye:

And went we went for a swim there was a newly emerged dragonfly on the underside of the dock.

And there were lots of tasty blackberries.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Summer bounty

They're coming in faster than we know what to do with them now.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Our 11 babies

The two pet brown snakes were indeed mating and not fighting three months ago. Elizabeth was skeptical, but Matt kept the faith that babies were gonna arrive. And indeed, we became the godparents to 11 bouncing, slithering snakelets. They have now been released to eat slugs and worms in the garden.

Caesar, Chantarelles, and Oysters

After 13 inches of rain, Caesar's mushroom, oysters, and chantarelles were a couple of the edibles that popped up. Yum!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Rapidan and Rappahannock

We had a great trip on the Rapidan and Rappahannock Rivers on Sunday and Monday. After we let everyone get ahead of us at the put-in, the only other person we saw was a biologist taking water samples. Fredericksburg owns all of the land along the river, it was very scenic and unbuilt -- just a few houses up on hills poking through the trees.

Covering only 14 miles in 1 1/2 days left plenty of time for swimming, watching wildlife, picking blackberries, and taking naps.

We saw muskrats

and a baby beaver

lots of herons

lots of dragonflies

and lots of bald eagles, though it's possible (likely?) that we actually saw just a couple of bald eagles over and over again.

After numerous fights about whether we were, in fact, about to die in the class 2 rapids, it was easy to agree on this campsite...that's our tent on the left.